Fu. 夏祭り 2024 /
Top FU夏祭り2024 - Are You Ready for FU. ji ROCK?
Get ready for your own end of summer Guy Fawkes Festival with a Thai twist and Live! For the whole family, FU夏祭り2024 offers a stacked lineup full of events to participate in. BRICK HALL, Save the dates!
BRICK HALL, Monji, Kitakyushu (門司区赤煉瓦プレイス 門司区大里本町3-6-1)
Date & Time:
August 3 (Saturday): 11:00 AM - 9:00 PM
August 4 (Sunday): 11:00 AM - 9:00 PM
Ticket Information:
2-Day Pass: ¥3000 / includes 1 drink order @ each venue
Children under elementary school age can enter live shows for free.
Special Guest:
Drums: Masanori Matsuo
Guitar : kazumichi kidera
Cho: Ayumi
Guitar: Yoichi Akiyoshi
Vocals: Yukie Fujiwara (FU.)
You will have a blast with the top-tier music and cultural experiences.